STEM related work experience


STEM-Related Work
Experience for Ages 12 to 18

STEM Work Experience This Term

We are delighted to offer immersive experiences of 8 STEM-related careers this term. All programmes will be delivered ‘Live Online’: interactive work experience with successful professionals from the comfort of your home.

Students can choose between 5-day Autumn Internships during half term and Weekend Programmes.

Internships include:
  • Even more interactive simulations with top industry executives. The Young Doctor Autumn Internship includes live streaming of patient consultations from a London teaching hospital. 
  • An entire day dedicated to personalised career coaching, where leading recruitment professionals will help students create a personal development plan to reach the height of their career ambitions.
We expect to be fully-booked for the Autumn Internships by 30th September so advise students to register now.

All of this term's STEM-related programmes are listed below. Click on any of the careers to register now. 


STEM For Ages 15-18
The Young Doctor Programmes
- Experience A&E
- Shadow a doctor on a ward round
- Comprehensive medical school application coaching
10th - 11th October OR 21st - 22nd November OR 5th - 6th December 2020
17th - 21st October OR 24th - 28th October 2020
The Young Engineer
- Design your own AI 
- Revolutionise electric vehicles
- Map a mission to Mars
- Design prosthetics
7th - 8th November OR 12th - 13th December 2020
17th - 21st October OR 24th - 28th October 2020
The Young Psychologist Programmes
- Psychologically assess a criminal
- Live hostage negotiation 
- Coach a sports team
- Progress clinical research
17th - 18th October OR 14th - 15th November 2020
17th - 21st October OR 24th - 28th October 2020
The Young Investment Banker Programmes
- Compete on the trading floor
- Optimise an investment portfolio
- Trade during a major historical event
- Design an investment strategy
7th - 8th November OR 5th - 6th December 2020
17th - 21st October OR 24th - 28th October 2020
The Young Architect Programmes
- Use cutting-edge software
- Revolutionise smart cities
- Discover urban regeneration
- Pitch a professional portfolio
14th - 15th November
17th - 21st October OR 24th - 28th October 2020
The Young Computer Scientist Programmes
- Code a consumer app 
- Become a white hat hacker
- Investigate cybercriminals 
- Design artificial intelligence
10th - 11th October OR 28th - 29th November 2020
17th - 21st October OR 24th - 28th October 2020
The Young Dentist Programme
- Carve a tooth 
- Interact with patients
- Examine x-rays
- UCAT and BMAT test practise
7th - 8th November 2020
The Young Vet
- Investigate disease outbreaks
- Navigate complex practise scenarios 
- Experience veterinary surgery
- Examine animal x-rays
5th - 6th December 2020
STEM for ages 12 to 14
We also offer STEM-related work experience for students aged 12 to 14 in 5 different industries. Students can choose to attend any number of interactive, immersive sessions over two weekends, 23rd - 24th and 30th - 31st January.
STEM Summer 2021 Internships
Our flagship Summer Internships are also available in 6 STEM-related industries; ArchitectureComputer SciencePsychologyMedicineInvestment Banking and Engineering. These internships run for up to 10 days in London and California and we're delighted to say our 2020 internships went ahead as planned and were hugely successful, receiving an average feedback score of 9.1/10. You can have a look at our trailer here.

Students can register NOW and for a limited time receive a 15% discount by entering the code SUMMERINTERN15 at checkout.
Become a Partner School
InvestIN has relationships with over 2,000 schools across 83 countries. Already, over 450 schools have signed up to become InvestIN Partner Schools, join us for access to our bursary scheme, discounted places, in-school/online career presentations and much more.
Feedback & Testimonials
We exist to give students a life-changing experience. We are proud to report we have a Trustpilot rating of 4.9/5. In addition to this, across thousands of internal feedback forms, our students have rated their experiences on InvestIN programmes at an average of 9.1 out of 10.
Ece Isin, student on The Young Doctor Programme
I couldn't ask for anything more
It was an amazing opportunity to get to know what being a doctor is really like. I gained insight I never thought I would be able to get in the medical field and an unbelievable experience overall. 
Kieran Muller, student on The Young Engineer Programme
I would definitely do it again
You did not sign up for a lecture, but rather a virtual experience. Each speaker brought something new to the table, and gave you a diverse idea of what each career looked like.


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