British Airways Work Experience

  British Airways have decided to run a 3-day Business Virtual Work Experience program to give students the chance to gain an insight into the professional teams at BA's Head Office. 

Across the three days, you’ll hear from different teams from their HQ (including Sustainability, Finance, Digital Marketing and Commercial Analytics) who will pose the question ‘where do you see British Airways in one year and ten years’ time?’ and provide industry updates and trends as well as employability top tips!

The placement involves a mix of activities, quizzes, hearing from live guest speakers (including current apprentices and graduates) and project planning time. At the end of the placement, you’ll have the opportunity to share your vision for the future of British Airways and aviation with a special guest panel of British Airways colleagues! You will also have the opportunity to secure an in-person Insight Day at their HQ based at London Heathrow during the October half-term holidays this year. 

The event is taking place online via Zoom on Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th & Thursday 30th June from 10:00am - 3:00pm each day. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate which can be used on your CV / personal statements moving forward. 

If you’d like to join us for this fantastic work experience opportunity click the following link to sign up: 


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