Year in Industry placements Year 13


For students in Year 13 

If you are a school leaver considering a structured and paid gap year to enhance your university or apprenticeship application, join our next FREE webinar session, as it may be a useful additional resource for you.


Webinar                EDT Year in Industry (YINI) Placements Open Day

Date & Time         Wednesday 18th January 2023 at 4-5pm

Zoom link                    

Content                 YINI offers a free resource when searching for a year-out paid placement and has been helping students for over 35+ years. Find out how the scheme can help you in searching for a paid placement, as well as how we support each student during their placement. Plus, hear from our YINI Team and currently/former placed YINI students talk about their placement experiences.


To access EDT Year in Industry (YINI) Placements webinar timetable and see other available dates, please visit




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