his National Careers Week, we are celebrating the range of NHS career opportunities. In fact, there are more than 350 on offer. The NHS will also be expanding its workforce over the next 15 years with increasing opportunities for young people to kickstart their NHS career. The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan was launched last June and sets out how the NHS will ensure it has the workforce it needs for the future. Let me break down the headlines for you!

  • Adult nurse training places will increase to 38,000 by 2031/32 – a 92% increase. Mental health and learning disability nurse training places are also set to increase. 
  • Increase in apprenticeships, working towards nearly a quarter of clinical staff training via an apprenticeship route (currently 7%) and the number of apprenticeships tripling overall.
  • A doctor degree apprenticeship being introduced.
  • More nursing associates (a fantastic route to registered nursing) and physician associates.

And it’s definitely not all about degrees. There’ll be more healthcare support worker opportunities with progression via apprenticeships also available. Finally, if a patient-facing role isn’t the right thing there will be more opportunities in digital roles as well as estates and facilities and many others.  There’ll be many opportunities for your students over the coming months and years with increasingly flexible training routes and pathways.  Take a look at the NHS Health Careers website and keep following them on social media for updates and live events for you and your students/clients. Happy National Careers Week 2024!


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