FREE Apprenticeship support for Year 11/13 school leavers


When students register with us at Essex Opportunities


  • Apprenticeship vacancies direct into their email box pulled from the National Apprenticeship Site and other London Employers/providers as well as local vacancies we are promoting via our Employer Brokerage service.


  • Resources to help apprenticeship applications.


  • Invitations to receive CV support, and Interview technique support.


  • Invitations for Assessment centre support


  • Parent/Carer, and student online support sessions so they can help their young person make successful applications.


  • Invitation for students to attend a variety of helpful sessions such as: How to activate job alerts and how to make successful apprenticeship applications.


  • We will be offering students/parents/carers Face to face meetings at a community access point (like a library, etc) for drop-in sessions as well as small group sessions throughout the school holidays. One to one virtual appointment can be made too.


  • We offer young people a job matching service to local employers, as we are actively encouraging businesses to consider recruiting an apprentice.


What we expect from Students


  • A completed signed and dated registration form (attached), with clear contact details, a C.v if possible.
  • Read and respond to emails.
  • You must be committed to make applications and have regular communication with the apprenticeship or call 0333 032 2591.
  • let them know how you are getting on with applications, interviews, assessments etc as they can help you progress. Use their expertise and knowledge as they have a successful history of getting people placed into an apprenticeship.
  • Answer your phone from any withheld numbers as it maybe the apprenticeship advisor or a potential employer/training provider calling you about your application - you can always hang up if it’s a nuisance call.


If you are interested in our offer, have questions, or would like to take this conversation forward please contact me on 03330 320509 or email 



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