Friday - Civil Service Careers -

Most people aren’t aware of everything the UK Civil Service does. Our job is to support the government of the day to implement its policies effectively on behalf of every community across the UK. In practice, that means we touch every aspect of life. It also means we have a truly astonishing range of possible career paths from which you can choose, and choose again.

Explore the resources


The Careers Hub

Specially for National Careers Week, we’ve created our fantastic Careers Hub you can visit to find lots and lots of information about a career in the Civil Service.

The Interactive Career Matcher

If you think you’d like to join the Civil Service, but don’t know where to start looking, why not try our Career Matcher? Answering a few simple questions about what motivates you and your interests will match you to some of our professions which could be a great fit for you.
We've got loads more amazing resources for students on the Virtual Careers Fair that you and your students can check out including:
  • Blogs from new employees explaining their career journeys so far
  • Social short videos highlighting loads of useful hints and tips for the world of work
  • Video blogs from employees giving an insight into what they do on a day to day basis
  • Top tips videos for success in applying for jobs
You can find all this and more on our Virtual Careers Fair Stand


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