Plume Careers Fair 2022


Plume Academy welcomes local and regional employers as well as education providers to our first in person large scale event for two years

Plume, Maldon's Community Academy is delighted and thrilled to announce that 

we will be hosting an in-person Careers Fair, Thursday 17 March 2022 from

 6.00pm - 8.00pm for the first time in two years. 


The Academy is extremely excited to be able to provide this fantastic 

opportunity for the local community.  Students, parents, and carers will 

be able to meet face-to-face with a wide variety of enthusiastic exhibitors

 to discuss their options and next steps.


This large-scale event has been designed to provide a full and

 complete insight into career options available to Year 11 and

 Year 13 students. 

As an Academy we actively encourage engagement with future

 employers and education providers, and the evening planned, 

provides an excellent opportunity to do so.


Plume Academy has already had confirmation of attendance 

from a range of different businesses and education providers and 

looks forward to sharing the up-and-coming line up and exciting 

opportunities with everyone involved. 


If you are a business or education provider interested in exhibiting 

at our Careers Fair, we will provide you with an opportunity to enjoy 

free advertising space via our website and other linked outlets. 


To take up this offer, please in the first instance contact via

email for further details.


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