A Level results day!!

 In case you missed it!!

Post 16 Press Release – Thursday 18 August 2022

An Absolutely Outstanding set of Examinations Results!

Plume, Maldon’s Community Academy, is, once again, celebrating superb post 16 examination results which very much reflect the hard work and tremendous commitment shown by our students’ and staff over the course of the past two years. This is especially the case given the fact that they had to endure such a disruptive period caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – a period that saw them last complete a regular school year in 2018-19.

Our Year 13 A level results show that the academy secured improved outcomes in a number of areas including a virtually perfect overall A*-E pass rate and a superb A*-C pass rate, including 19 A*s. Of the 21 A Level subjects we currently offer at post 16, only three did not achieve a 100% pass rate, and in all seven non-A Level subjects, the pass rate was 100%.

Our Year 12 AS level results also portray a tremendously positive picture with again, a near perfect A-E pass rate, and just like the A level, an excellent A-C pass rate.

Understandably, we are immensely proud in terms of how well our College students have performed, especially when taking into consideration the resilience they had to show throughout their entire examination courses. This is also whilst noting that Plume Academy continued to offer a rich variety and choice of courses with the bespoke needs of every student at the forefront of the ongoing high-quality information, advice and guidance provided to them.

As a direct result, and despite the aforementioned challenges, many of our students have surpassed their set target grades and the increases highlighted above provide direct evidence to support this.

Furthermore, the usual high number of students have applied for a place at university, with significant numbers applying for, and subsequently securing places at, the highly sought after and prestigious ‘Russell Group’ universities.

We are also absolutely delighted that every single student who applied to go to university has secured a place with the vast majority being at their preferred choice.

Our top Year 13 achievers were:

Martha Carlin 

Art and Design: Photography A*

English Literature A*

French A*

Extended Project A

Post 18 Destination: University of the Arts, London, Central St. Martins to study Art & Design

Kian Tozer 

Geography A*

Mathematics A*

Physics A*

Post 18 Destination: University of Nottingham to study Physics with Theoretical Physics

Ellie Dobson 

Business A*

Media Studies A*

Geography A

Post 18 Destination: University of Leeds to study Business Management with Marketing

Samuel Bagridge 

Extended Project A*

Law A*

Media Studies A

English Literature B

Post 18 Destination: University of Warwick to study Film and Literature

Lily Peace

 Law A*

Extended Project A

Mathematics A

English Literature B

Post-18 Destination: University of Exeter to study Law

Lamiaa Rassasse

 Law A*

Psychology A

English Literature A

Post-18 Destination: Kings College, London to study Politics and International Relations

Carl Wakefield, Executive Principal of Plume Academy, said, “I am exceptionally proud of the results achieved by our College students this year, particularly given the massively disruptive period they had to work through and the unrelenting resilience they had to show.

I am also extremely pleased that virtually all of our Year 13 students have secured their first choice university place, with a number also securing high quality apprenticeships at reputable organisations both locally as well as in the city of London.

The results achieved by our Year 12 cohort were also excellent and only bodes well for next summer.”

He added “The bottom line is that all of this cannot happen without a huge amount of hard work being put in by our students themselves, and whilst working in collaboration with a fully committed and highly skilled team of staff, who have also been phenomenal throughout the pandemic period. When combined with the support and input shown throughout from our students’ parents and carers, it is clear to see as to why we have achieved such an outstanding set of outcomes.

It has been an absolute privilege to work alongside them all and I am immensely proud as to what they have secured as a collective.”

Ruth Clark, Joint Head of Academy and the academy’s current post 16 lead added, “As an academy, we are exceptionally proud of the achievements of our post-16 students and as the senior lead for Plume College, it continues to be an absolute privilege to work alongside staff, parents and carers to ensure that all our students achieve their very best. Our students have indeed shown real commitment to their studies and resilience in sitting their formal exams and assessments after the disruption of the pandemic.

In addition to congratulating our fantastic students, I would also like to thank our parents and carers for their support, and our teachers for their unstinting dedication. It has been wonderful to witness so many delighted students collecting results at the academy this morning”.

Mrs Clark concluded by saying, “On a final note, I would like to wish all of our Year 13 leavers well as they progress to university, college, apprenticeships or employment and thank them for their hard work during their time at Plume Academy. We look forward to hearing about their continued success via our Alumni Programme.”


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