GCSE results day!

 In case you missed it!

GCSE Press Release - Thursday 25 August 2022

Another Week of Excellent Student Outcomes!

As was the case with our post 16 students last week, we are delighted to announce that the GCSE class of 2022 have also secured an excellent set of examination results. The year group were awarded an incredible 439 9-7 (formerly A*-A) grades with an equally impressive 19 students securing 8 or more 9-7 (A*-A) grades. Furthermore, the year group also secured a superb 69.4% of all grades awarded being 9-4 grades, and a 100% pass rate in 20 subjects.

All of these headline figures are actual new records for the academy I am incredibly proud to announce!

A significant number of Plume Academy’s students secured outstanding results including:

·         Sam Glover who achieved a superb 9 grade 9s, 2 grade 8s and 1 grade 7.

Upon receiving his results, Sam said, “I feel elated and I’m really pleased to get the results. It’s what I hoped for.”

·         Lily Simpson achieved an exceptional 6 grade 9s, 3 grade 8s and 2 grade 7s.

·         Lizzie Mills who achieved a fantastic 3 grade 9s and 8 grade 8s.

Upon receiving her results, Lizzie said, I feel relieved but also proud and happy.”

·         Harry Tear who achieved 4 grade 9s, 4 grade 8s and 3 grade 7s.

Upon receiving his results, Harry said, “It’s amazing really and I was chuffed to bits when I opened the letter and saw all 7s, 8s and 9s. It’s everything I hoped for and a little bit more really.”

·         Lewis Bridgeman who achieved 4 grade 9s, 2 grade 8s, 2 grade 7s, and 1 grade 6.

Upon receiving his results, Lewis said, It’s fantastic although I was quite nervous to open this envelope I’m holding this morning. I’m quite surprised but I feel the hard work paid off and I’m really happy. I can’t quite believe it and it’s still sinking in.”

·         Jonny Willis who achieved 4 grade 9, 4 grade 8s, 2 grade 7s, and 1 grade 6.

·         Freddie Fry who achieved 4 grade 9, 3 grade 8s, 3 grade 7s and 1 grade 5.

Upon receiving his results, Freddie said, Incredible! It’s really great! I was hoping for good grades and I got what I wanted to move onto A levels and so can now continue with my learning and achievement. My hard work has also paid off and I’ve actually enjoyed working so hard to get what I achieved today.”

“To our younger students, just put in the work and revise. Don’t over revise though as it will just flood your brain with too much and you’ll just panic during the exam. Just revise with a constant plan and it’s never too late to actually start revising.”

Our vocational and resit students also achieved extremely good outcomes once again this year with almost all of the cohort securing the required grades to move onto the next stage of their education, employment or training.



Carl Wakefield, Executive Principal, said:

“I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of the class of 2017-2022 and their team of teaching and support staff for achieving these fantastic set of results. This is for a whole host of reasons but especially given the national context since early 2020, and the subsequent unprecedented times they all had to navigate through – times which covered the entirety of their GCSE and examination programme. Still, successfully navigate their way through they did and with today’s results providing spectacular direct evidence of this.

It is always difficult to refer to specific results and individual students but if I had to, the sheer amount of 9-7 grades achieved by the year group as well as the amount of subjects securing a 100% pass rate are two particular exceptionally pleasing outcomes. Nevertheless, this is without taking anything away from all the other significant successes achieved by this terrific group of students and staff.

Furthermore, this particular cohort experienced another very challenging period right in the middle of their five years at the academy and that a number of them then had to work through. However, and once again, work through it they did and not only did they achieve today’s tremendous results, they were also impeccable in terms of their behaviour, attitude and approach throughout their entire six week summer examination period. Also, whilst attending their Prom (which nearly 90% of the year group did), during their final leavers assembly and on their shirt-signing day.

To those students and their respective families who will be moving onto pastures new from this point onwards, all the very best for what I hope will be an enjoyable, happy and ultimately, successful future. They will always remain as members of the Plume Family, however.

To those students who will be staying on to study in our College, my colleagues and I very much look forward to working alongside them over the next two years and as they strive to achieve the outcomes that will undoubtedly see them secure a place at university, on a high-quality apprenticeship or progress into the world of work.”



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