Fabulous opportunity for Year 13 students!

 EDT's The Year in Industry (YINI) placements

We’re excited to be starting this placement year positively, with 2023/24 applications now open for EDT’s, The Year in Industry (YINI) placement scheme, plus, the launch next week of our new Virtual YINI Open Day sessions, following our successful pilot last year!

What is YINI?     

EDT’s, The Year in Industry (YINI) Placement scheme, helps place school-leaving students into paid 12-month long placements into all areas of engineering, science (particularly physics), technology/electronics, business, marketing and finance across the UK.

To Register for YINI:

Interested students can register via our website here

Join our YINI Open Day Webinar to find out more: 

Year 13 Students are invited to join our first YINI Open Day webinar on Wednesday 28th September – please see details and link below;

Webinar:       EDT Year in Industry (YINI) Placements Open Day

Content:        YINI offers Yr 13 students a free resource when searching for a year-out paid placement and has been helping students for over 35 years. Find out how the scheme can help you in searching for a paid placement, as well as how we support each student during their placement. Plus, hear from our YINI Team and currently/former placed YINI students talk about their placement experiences.

Date/Time:   Wednesday 28th September 2022 at 4pm - 5pm.

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0DYTucOaQUWgMoLpmU0VJg

Future Webinar Timetable:

We plan to run a webinar each month and are delighted to be able to share with you our full timetable, so that students can easily book in advance. To access the webinar timetable, please click here.

We look forward to working with you this year and hopefully supporting  students towards exciting placement experiences that will enhance their future career opportunities.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly team at studentrecruitment@etrust.org.uk



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