Young Professionals

 learn more about YP

Are you considering a career in Business, Accounting or Finance, perhaps Engineering or Technology? If so, we have something we think you might be interested in! 

As always at the start of a new academic year, we like to make a big splash in the student space by offering a variety of different multi-employer careers-focused events!

One thing we do know is that all of you will be continuously looking for ways to enhance your CV / Personal Statement through attending Insight Events and Online Webinars as well as perhaps gaining some possible Work Experience.

We have 3 huge events coming up this September where we will be joined by quite literally some of the world’s biggest employers from some of the most exciting sectors.

Some of the employers include - PwC, Goldman Sachs, KPMG, British Airways, BT, Mazars, Grant Thornton, Siemens and Mott MacDonald to name a few! Upon completion of each event you choose to sign up for, you will be awarded a certificate which you can add to your CV! We will as always be giving away some fantastic prizes across the evenings.

Event Details:

Technology Event – 19th September 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Business, Accounting & Finance Event – 20th September 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Engineering Event– 21st September 5:00pm – 7:00pm


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