Enjoy Maths? Book a place to discover a career in actuaries.


An introduction to actuarial careers with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries - insight webinarOn: 6th December 2022 at 6.30 - 7.30pmFor: Students and parents of those in years 10 to 13. Career leaders and teachers are encouraged to join.
Book your place today
 Join our ‘Count Me In’ event this December and hear our brightest minds explain how they became an actuary, find out how companies will support you and discover how you can begin a fulfilling career that really makes an impact.As an actuary you'll solve real world problems that can make a huge difference in areas including financial services, climate change, cyber security, population growth and so much more. Actuaries use cutting edge mathematical theory combined with real world experience and understanding to help governments, businesses and organisations protect themselves against the unknown and succeed in a fast changing world.
  • What is an actuary and how to get started (Institute and Faculty of Actuaries) 
  • Employer insights 
  • Graduate Insights 
  • Q&A


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