Things for students to know now...


Things for  students to know now... 

What help can I get at university if I’m a disabled student? 

Going to university is a big decision, and one that comes with lots of considerations. For people with disabilities, one of these can be whether they will be able to cope. In this article, read about all the help that students with disabilities can get throughout their university experience, including Elise’s story about how her university supported her dyslexia.  


A-Z university translator 

Do you know what “credits”, “dissertations” or “sandwich courses” are? As you explore your university options, you’ll come across new words – so it helps to know what people are talking about! Read our A-Z translator for an easy-to-understand guide to all the key words. 

Ten digital tips and tricks 

Ok, so we all use tech – and while some of us may be experts, there’s always more we can learn. As you’re writing essays, doing coursework, or simply just browsing online, these handy hints will help you along the way (and you can impress your friends!) 


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