University of Cambridge Opportunities’


Opportunities for Any Year

Robinson College Composing Competition

Application Deadline: Jan-Feb 2022. 

Eligible: Anyone under 18. 

Online/In-Person: N/A

 More Info: Robinson College Composition Competition

New Directions is an opportunity for budding musicians to try their hand at composing a musical piece – a way for students to explore music, and consider its role in bringing communication and creativity to life. The competition is open to anyone 18 and under, and compositions can be from any style or genre: a song, an instrumental work, a piece on Logic – the more inventive, the better! Winning entrants for each age category will receive a prize voucher and have the chance to attend a Music workshop day at Robinson College, University of Cambridge.

Opportunities for Year 10 & 11

Subject Matters Webinars – 24 February 2022

The Subject Matters offers guidance to Year 10 and Year 11 students (or equivalent) who are considering university and want advice on which subjects to study at sixth form or college.

The post-16 subject choices that students make can have a major impact on their course and university options. Selective universities such as the University of Cambridge often consider not only the individual subjects, but also the combination of subjects because they prepare students more effectively for those courses.

 Link here: The Subject Matters | Undergraduate Study (

Opportunities for Year 11, S4 (Scotland), Y12 (N.I)

Robinson Access Programme

Application Deadline: 17 December 2021, midnight. 

Eligible: State educated UK Students. 

Online/In-Person: Online, from January 2022.

 More Info: Robinson Access Programme

The Robinson Access Programme (RAP) is an online scheme for Year 11 / S4 / Year 12 (Northern Ireland) and Year 12 / S5 / Year 13 (Northern Ireland) students, designed to help you think about university as an option for your future. The programme will consist of online sessions held every three weeks afterschool. Year 11 sessions will introduce you to what university is, how it works, and what it's like to be a student, alongside content that will help you develop your study skills.

Opportunities for Year 12, S5 (Scotland), Y13 (N.I)

Subject Masterclasses *Paid-For Event*

Application Deadline: Rolling

Eligible: Open to all in correct year group. 

Online/In-Person: Online.

 More Info: Subject Masterclasses

Subject Masterclasses are subject-specific events that offer high-achieving students in Year 12 (or equivalent) the chance to experience typical undergraduate teaching at the University of Cambridge, and to get a flavour of what it's like to be a student here. Students currently in Year 13 (or equivalent) are also welcome to attend our virtual series this Autumn.

Please note these cost £12.50 unless eligible for a funded place (details here).

Robinson Access Programme

Application Deadline: 17 December 2021, midnight.

 Eligible: State educated UK Students.

 Online/In-Person: Online, from January 2022.

 More Info: Robinson Access Programme

The Robinson Access Programme (RAP) is an online scheme for Year 11 / S4 / Year 12 (Northern Ireland) and Year 12 / S5 / Year 13(Northern Ireland) students, designed to help you think about university as an option for your future. The programme will consist of online sessions held every three weeks afterschool. The Year 12 strand will focus on academically-selective universities: what it's like to study at them, preparing to apply for these universities, and support in developing study skills and subject interests. For this reason, we particularly encourage applications from Year 12 (or equivalent) students if you are on track to achieve highly in your A Level / Higher / IB qualifications. However, you are still welcome to apply even if you are unsure as to which universities you want to go to or whether you will go at all.

Christ's & Trinity Colleges - Women in Maths

Application Deadline: 4 February 2022, 5pm.

 Eligible: Women at non-fee paying UK schools, studying Maths in relevant qualifications (details on website).

 Online/In-Person: In person, 24-26 March.

 More Info: Women in Maths

This programme is open to women who are interested in studying Maths and related courses at a top university. During the programme, you’ll attend lectures and classes taught by Cambridge academics and meet current students and admissions staff. It's a great opportunity to gain an insight into what it’s like to study at Maths at the University of Cambridge. Attendees will also have the chance to explore Christ's and Trinity Colleges, and take part in social activities and other maths-related activities alongside the academic lectures and classes.

Fitzwilliam College - Humanities Writing Competition

Application Deadline: 1 March 2022. 

Eligible: Any students interested in various listed Humanities subjects.

 Online/In-Person: Online. 

More Info: Fitzwilliam Essay Competitions

This year Fitzwilliam College will be running essay competitions in Ancient World and Classics, Archaeology, History, Land Economy, and Medieval World. They will additionally be running an Architecture design competition. Further particulars and this year's questions can be found at the links below. Please read the competition rules and submission guidelines carefully before entering a competition.

Girton College - Humanities Writing Competition

Application Deadline: 18 March 2022, 5pm.

 Eligible: Any students interested in the Humanities.

 Online/In-Person: Online.

 More Info: Humanities Writing Competition

This annual competition is an opportunity for students to research and write beyond the curriculum, using one or more of the Lawrence Room museum objects, as their focus. Essays or creative responses (such as dramatic monologues or short stories) are equally welcome. We are looking for

the ability to connect different areas of knowledge, to think about details and to communicate clearly.


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