Calling all Law students


Are you interested in a career in law and receiving £2500 a year whilst at university? Would you like to receive paid work experience?

Here at CMS, we believe that a career in law should be accessible to all. As the 6th largest law firm in the world, with 9 offices in the UK and 80 offices globally, we are delighted to be launching two programmes to support your future career; CMS Law Scholarships and CMS Connect (formerly PRIME).

1. CMS Law Scholarships

Since 2012, we’ve helped some of the brightest and most creative legal minds launch their career and you could be next!

Our scholarships are for students committed to pursuing university and from backgrounds which research shows are less likely to achieve a place at a prestigious university.

Across the UK, 10 successful applicants will benefit from:

· Financial support (£2500 per year) during their university studies

· Mentoring during their UCAS applications

· Paid work experience during their first year of University


Scholarships are aimed at students who will be the first generation in their family to go to university. There are also certain financial criteria, such as free school meal eligibility that students need to meet. Full details of these and how to apply can be found on our dedicated Scholarships website:

2. CMS Connect (formerly PRIME)

Our work experience programme is designed for school and college students who might think a career in law is out of reach.

We will show you what is possible, upskilling you on the available routes into the profession including apprenticeships AND the traditional university route.

During the two-year sustained programme of support, you will develop skills that all employers look out for, not just those in the legal profession. This happens through:

· Paid work experience in year 12/S5 (8 - 12 August 2022)

· Mentoring

· Application advice and guidance

Participation will certainly support your future career plans!

We will be running CMS Connect in our London, Bristol, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen offices.

To find out more, check eligibility and apply, visit:

Applications for both programmes open on 3 May 2022.

 for more information or contact us at

We look forward to receiving your application.

The CMS Early Talent Team


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