Apprenticeships at Bloomberg


Apprenticeships can be a little confusing.

How do you know what is the best path for your child to take? Is Higher Education superior to an Apprenticeship? What subjects can you study as an apprentice? How long does an apprenticeship last? Can my child gain full-time employment after their apprenticeship?

We are hoping to answer these questions through an information session and panel event. You will hear from current and former apprentices as well as members of the management team at Bloomberg. We want to give honest information to help you give advice to your child and make informed decisions about their options.

You can also find out more about the apprenticeships on offer at Bloomberg, how we plan to navigate a tricky year with examinations being cancelled and how we hire apprentices.

Everyone is welcome at this event as it is an information session, but it is designed for parents or caregivers for school children.



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