National Careers Week 2021 Monday 1 March – Friday 5 March 2021 Programme of talks


National Careers Week 2021

Monday 1 March – Friday 5 March 2021



Virtual Talk

Monday 1 March

4.30 – 5.00pm

Live: Major Steve Goodwin – The Army

An overview of army lifestyle, the 7 different career streams (covering 200+ jobs), apprenticeships, diversity and inclusion.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Year 7 – 13

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Monday 1 March

5.30 – 6.00pm

Live: Andy Cotterill – University of London

How do I choose where and what to study?

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Year 10 – 13

Link to join

Tuesday 2 March

4.30 – 5.00pm

Live: Francesca Potter – AIM Apprenticeships

Did you know that you can become a solicitor doing an apprenticeship, or an architect? Apprenticeships have come a long way in the past decade, offering an opportunity to work and gain a recognised qualification. You can even gain a master’s degree doing an apprenticeship, without having to pay for a student loan! In this session, we will be covering the basics of apprenticeships, what options are available, who offers them and how to find one.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Parent/Carers

Link to join

Tuesday 2 March

5.00 – 5.30pm

Live: Laura Hill and DS Savory – Essex Police

Find out more about staff roles, perks and benefits of joining Essex Police. DS Savory will also share her experiences as an acting officer.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Year 7 – 13

Link to join

Tuesday 2 March

5.30 – 6.00pm

Live: Finnuala Jenkins – University of Salford

Arts and Media at MediaCityUK with the University of Salford. This talk considers the many opportunities from studying at Salford, from course opportunities, work placements and study abroad, as well as considering the graduate opportunities in Manchester and further afield. We will also highlight the benefits and considerations to think about when deciding whether to move away from home.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Year 11-13

Link to join

Tuesday 2 March

6.00 – 6.30pm

Pre-recorded: Bob Burgin – STEM Ambassador

Find out more about a career in engineering. Find out about the different sectors engineers can work in and where engineering can take you.

Recommended audience: Year 7 – 13.

Link to join

Wednesday 3 March

4.30 – 5.00pm

Live: Lucy Nottingham – UEA

Applying to University. A talk about the ins and outs of the university application system (UCAS). We’ll let you know what universities are looking for and give you top tips about activities and events you can be doing now to create a successful application.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Year 11 – 12

Link to join

Wednesday 3 March

5.00 – 5.30pm

Live: Mikki Mills – ROM Theatre Arts

An insight into the three year Musical Theatre Diploma Course and will be of interest to any student considering performing arts or acting.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Year 10 – 12

Link to join

Wednesday 3 March

5.30 – 6.00pm

Live: Millie Price – Writtle College

An introduction to our post GCSE College Courses that we offer at Writtle University College and also our Degree progression courses too. The presentation will include entry requirements, different course options and lots more.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Year 10 – 13

Link to join

Thursday 4 March

4.30 – 5.00pm

Live: Craig Coutinho – Pearson College

Degree Apprenticeships: There’s more than one way to get a degree - with a Degree Apprenticeship, students can earn while they learn, get experience and graduate with a full university degree.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Year 12 – 13

Link to join

Thursday 4 March

5.00 – 5.30pm

Live: Rebecca Bowman – APM Project Management

Projects are all around us, and project-based working has driven rapid change this year. Discover more about project management, the essential skills you need and how you can build your employability. This insight session from APM, the Chartered body for the project profession, is open to all and also features insights from two project professionals.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Students turning 16 and 16+ as our student membership is free to those that are 16+ and who have 6 months+ left of their course.

Link to join

Thursday 4 March

5.30 – 6.00pm

Live: Dr Dirk Pilat – GP

One of the most amazing careers ever: study medicine, become a GP.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Year 10 – 13

Link to join

Friday 5 March

4.30 – 5.00pm

Live: Alex Hoss – STEM Ambassador

Hear from an engineer working on a wind farm. The presentation will cover, education to date, work experience to date, 'a day in the life' of my job, career opportunities in offshore wind.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Year 7 – 13

Link to join

Friday 5 March

5.00 – 5.30pm

Live: Julia Osbourne – STEM Ambassador

Hear from an ex plume student about their career. A talk that explores why we need STEM people, how to get into Science and where science can take you.

Followed by Q&A

Recommended audience: Year 7 – 13

Link to join

Friday 5 March

5.30 – 6.00pm 

Prerecorded: Sarah Freeman – HR director at Plume Academy

Find out more about a career in HR and the route you can take to pursue this.

In addition to this, Sarah will also be sharing top tips for job applications and writing a CV.

Recommended audience: Year 9 – 13

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