Local Apprenticeship IT vacancy in Maldon


EOL are  an IT recycling organisation based in Station Road, Maldon.  Their main concern is with the secure destruction and wiping of confidential data from IT equipment collected from their clients.  They currently have around 47 staff of all ages but some of whom have started their life as Apprentices, moving through the building, with some working their way to management level roles.


They are currently looking to recruit Apprentice IT Technicians who would come into their facility and learn to test the equipment collected, assess it for quality and value, maybe repair if necessary or break down into parts and scrap for onward transmission.  They are currently working with a Provider to deliver Level 3 IT Solutions training and are reaching out to school leavers who are looking at the next stage in the life and would like to interview for the position.


The vacancy is currently advertised on their Website; www.eolitservices.co.uk and also on the National Apprenticeship website; https://www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship as well as the Government’s Find a Job website. 



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